Home FROM THE EDITORS NEWS STORIES Roe v. Wade: “We Wont’t Go Back!”

Roe v. Wade: “We Wont’t Go Back!”

Roe v. Wade: “We Wont’t Go Back!”
Two young people at a protest for abortion rights in San Jose, California.

The Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade and stripped 36 million women of the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies, health care, and future.

Thousands have taken to the streets with indignation and anger at this undemocratic decision, which will not eliminate abortions but will make them illegal, dangerous, expensive, and exploitative in many states. The ruling is also seen as a threat by the conservative judges to overturn other personal rights people have won over the past half century, including our right to privacy and LGBTQ rights to have intimate relationships.
But the feminist wave of the 21st century will not accept this attack on our personal liberties, an attack on our diverse working class. We demand reproductive rights to choose our family and also the social and economic support our families need to thrive. It is not just another wave of feminism that is fighting back. The social movement for gender and sexual freedom is being led by working-class youth in every nation.

Our insistence on our reproductive rights, on queer liberation, on our pronouns, are beautiful affirmations of our inherent and unconditional human worth. We are not only opposing a single court decision. We are antagonistic to the whole damn system of patriarchy, sexual and reproductive abuse, unemployment, maleducation, imprisonment, caging of children, public massacres, police murder, homelessness, opioids, epidemics, medical profiteering, capitalism, war, neglect, and climate catastrophe, the system which is antagonistic to our existence.

The feminist wave of the 21st century is demanding a world that truly values lives and it won’t be waiting for permission from anyone to create it.


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