“A dystopian future where crops no longer grow, causing famine across the globe doesn’t seem like a science fiction story anymore; we could possibly be headed there if countries don’t see the true value of our planet instead of just looking at it like a money machine.”
As of 2023, we have seen massive climate catastrophes happen across the globe. July is the hottest record month in history, with temperatures rising in the oceans for the first time, wildfires destroying Canada, droughts ravaging crops in Central America, and violent rainfalls wreaking havoc in China. The world is not on track to meet its international climate targets, thus failing the Paris Agreement, even though it was pledged by world leaders seven years ago.
The government in each country needs to feel pressure from its people to tackle this problem. Wealthy countries need to take responsibility for being the biggest polluters in the world. Countries like the United States, China, and Russia are behind generating a large percentage of global emissions. Meanwhile, poverty-stricken countries simply aren’t prepared for the climate change catastrophes that will soon be frequent. They don’t have the infrastructure other countries do or the financial help from their government to survive.
With the undeniable evidence of climate change and its catastrophic events happening right now, climate action is what our planet needs right now. The fossil fuel industry is poisoning Mother Earth. As big oil companies rake up record-breaking profits, our climate, communities, and public lands come at the expense of it. Where is the justice for our planet?
El Tribuno del Pueblo will continue to be its voice, and we will find ways to meet and collaborate with different nonprofits that dedicate their time to climate action. We will write to legislators to push for renewable energy and constantly share articles and petitions on our website tribunodelpueblo.org.
El Tribuno del Pueblo brings you articles written by individuals or organizations, along with our own reporting. Bylined articles reflect the views of the authors. Unsigned articles reflect the views of the editorial board. Please credit the source when sharing: tribunodelpueblo.org. We’re all volunteers, no paid staff. Please donate at http://tribunodelpueblo.org to keep bringing you the voices of the movement because no human being is illegal.