Can either party deliver what we need? If not what then?

This November, many will vote for the Democrats in an attempt to lessen the suffering and “buy time” to organize and prepare for a future battle. The strategy being to vote against Trump on election day and continuing to challenge the democrats while organizing and supporting movements for basic rights.

Others proclaim they will vote their “conscience” by supporting a third party, or vote “uncommitted” as a way of saying “none of the above”. Many more will not vote at all because they have lost faith in these so-called democratic institutions, the media, and especially the wealthy’s ability to buy politicians and elections. 

Some will vote for Trump because they believe the lies  and the politics of fear, hate and America first. Even when those lies are spread by billionaires. They are willing and sometimes happy to deny rights to the poor and working people of this country while using anti-migrant rhetoric. They will discover that attacking the system’s victims will not save them. Arresting and deporting millions of migrants and refugees will not make us safe. Just like Israelis are finding out that violence against Palestinians is not delivering peace or security for them.

The country appears divided because neither of the two parties has an actual program based on the needs of the people. They are both focused on the needs of the wealthy. Rev. Barber explains poverty in America.

Young people in and around the Democratic National Convention called out the hypocrisy of calling for peace in Gaza while funding the genocide. The US Supreme Court’s Grants Pass ruling made it illegal for unhoused people to camp on public properties even if they don’t have a place to sleep. Soon after, the ruling Democrat Governor Newsom issued an executive order directing agencies to clear homeless encampments from state owned land and even threaten to withhold funding from local governments who do not comply. The democrats claim they are against hate yet somehow continue to propose and support anti-homeless, anti-migrant, and pro-war policies. And when it comes to holding the corporations, even Chris Cuomo found it laughable.

Sixty-eight percent of Americans polled said “a third major party is needed”, according to a 2018 VOTER survey. The system is set up to keep power in the hands of two parties. The parties themselves are deeply divided. The party atmosphere, social media memes, and reels attempt to cover up deep divisions. For democrats the policy of supporting and funding the genocide against the Palestian people is causing deeper divisions. 

The fear of a Trump administration is justified given the openly fascist program outlined in Project 2025. We already know republicans are willing to round up millions of undocumented people, ban reproductive rights, eliminate government agencies, and abandon any policies that protect the planet.

WE ARE united in understanding that neither party will deliver what we really need. For example, the non-committed voters are rejecting the lie that if Trump gets elected it’s their fault. Remember 7 in 10 Americans want a third major party- that is UNITY. 

Regardless of how you vote in November, we must continue to build a movement and listen to each other not blame each other. We must listen to and support organizing third parties that focus on the needs of the people. Let’s keep our ears and hearts open to each other and all forms of resistance. 

Let’s continue to work toward a program, a vision, and even a new political party as we vote for and challenge the current system. 

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