Witness at the Border is organizing “Journey for Justice: Peregrinaje por la Justicia”– a 2,200-mile border pilgrimage from Brownsville, Texas to San Ysidro, California, and is inviting others to join them. The People’s Tribune, and the Zooming to the Border Coalition of which the People’s Tribune is a part, are among the groups supporting the pilgrimage.
The group plans to set off on the Journey for Justice on December 3, 2022, in Brownsville, Texas, and end in San Ysidro, California, on December 18, 2022.
Organizers said the journey will, “Honor the lives of migrants and asylum seekers who have suffered and especially those who have died at the US-Mexico border. We will travel in the spirit of the holiday season and in the Mexican tradition of pidiendo posada, seeking shelter among strangers. We will celebrate the tireless work of borderlands communities of welcome, and we will call for change in US immigration policies.”
Those participating will travel by caravan and welcome invitations for refuge or lodging. “We are working with local partners to plan actions along the way, and welcome your help,” organizers said.
We encourage our readers to support this pilgrimage. You can find the GoFundMe at: https://gofund.me/14090fb6.
Sign up on this Interest Form to get more information: https://bit.ly/JourneyJForm!
If your organization wishes to partner with the journey, you can sign on here: https://bit.ly/JforJPartner.
You can learn more at witnessattheborder.org.