The Palestine Laboratory and the U.S.-Mexico Border: A Q&A with Antony Loewenstein

The following article was originally published by Todd Miller on The Border Chronicle on August 22, 2024. 


Will the mass slaughter in Gaza result in more profitable surveillance and weapons on U.S. borders? Sure looks like it, says the Australian author.


I interviewed Australian journalist and author Antony Loewenstein at the Elbit Systems tower in the Coronado National Forest near Nogales. Under this surveillance tower made by the Israeli company for border control, one of about 50 in southern Arizona, we stood at one of the most relevant examples from Loewenstein’s 2023 book The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation around the World. This is one of several booksLoewenstein has written or contributed to, and over the last year he has become one of the most sought-after journalists for comment about the ongoing situation in Gaza.

From where we talked, you could see mountains in Mexico, 10 miles to the south, within the scope of the sophisticated camera systems on the tower and its ground-sweeping radar, which has a radius of 13 miles. All around us the rolling hills looked lush from the summer rains, and across the canyon a lone Border Patrol vehicle was stationed on another hill, presumably watching over the valley, and probably eyeing us. The morning sun burned down as we stood near the tower’s buzzing generator, powered by a solar panel, when I began the interview.



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