Home SOCIAL MOVEMENTS Stopping Cop City & Defending The Forest Signatures Needed!

Stopping Cop City & Defending The Forest Signatures Needed!

Stopping Cop City & Defending The Forest Signatures Needed!
Person with short white hair outside chanting while holding a sign with a tree. Words say #LetAtlantaBreathe It's What UUs Do. Contribute from anywhere to defend the forest and stop cop city.

Last Thursday a federal judge granted the Stop Cop City referendum campaign an additional 60 days to collect signatures to get the referendum on the ballot. This is a huge victory for the organizers of the campaign, volunteers, and the broader Atlanta community who have been hard at work talking to and mobilizing neighbors and friends. We are grateful to have the extra time, but the campaign is still focused on reaching the 70,000 goal by Aug 14 to get the November ballot. This means we need all hands on deck, NOW! We have added more events to the Week of Action. Join us for these critical events. 

Pictured: Rev. Tyler Coles & Rev. Misha Sanders collecting referendum petitions last weekend, holding clipboards with images that say “Let Atlanta decide.”  Nora Rasman and Rev. Jonathan Rogers rounded out the UU contingent.

Will you join them?  

Everyday community is showing up to #StopCopCity! Outside grocery stores, at farmers markets, on the doors, and event at the bars, community members are showing up to talk to their neighbors about democracy, safety, and climate justice. We are honored to be a part of this effort, contributing volunteer hours, resources and support to reach the 140,000 signature goal. Together, organizers have collected over 30,000 petition signatures. We are close to our goal, but we need your help. 

Join UUs in taking collective action for democracy, climate justice, and  community during the UU Stop Cop City Week of Action. 

You can contribute to this referendum from wherever you reside, when—and how—you feel called. This is what UUs do.

Join us for the Week of Action July 27 – August 10th

Thursday, August 3

7:00 – 8:00 PM ET

6 CT, 5 MT, 4 PT

Thursday, Aug 10

7:00 – 8:30 PM ET

6 CT, 5 MT, 4 PT

Saturday, August 5th

12:00 – 3:00 PM ET

On the ground In Atlanta

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