More than 1,000 people – with giant 15-foot puppets – rallied at the State Capitol in Austin last weekend to send a clear message: Immigrants ae welcome here!
The following article was originally published by the ACLU of Texas and distributed through an e-newsletter on March 16, 2024.
While certain Texas politicians seek to divide us by stoking fear about immigrants, the ACLU of Texas partnered with renowned street artist Kill Joy and Kitchen Table Puppets & Press to celebrate our immigrant communities through the arts.
Picture the scene last Saturday: Two larger-than-life puppets depicting an immigrant mother and her child welcomed marchers arriving at the Capitol. Butterflies, birds, and nopales danced around them. All of a sudden: Boom! Boom! The sound of drums rang through the streets as the mother and child faced an unexpected threat. The crowd grew tense.
Find out what threatened the mother and child – and what protected them.
Throughout history, social movements have used the arts to call out injustice and imagine a better world. Alongside Kill Joy, Kitchen Table Puppets & Press, and countless other Texans, the ACLU of Texas is proud to be a part of that history.
We’re calling for an immigration system that works and respects human rights. Our current system forces millions into the shadows and shuts the door on people seeking safety. Texas’ extreme anti-immigrant laws, like Senate Bill 4, will only make things worse.
We need the federal government to create a more fair, humane, and efficient immigration system. One that keeps families together and treats people with dignity and respect.
Our communities demand it. And our giant puppets do, too.
In this together,
Sarah Cruz
Pronouns: She, her, hers
Policy & Advocacy Strategist on Border and Immigrants’ Rights
ACLU of Texas
To view more of the images visit aclutx.org
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