The following article was published in a newsletter from the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) on June 26, 2023.
New York —On Saturday, June 24-following a leadership assembly led by day laborer centers and workers’ rights organizations in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Washington DC, Chicago, and Wisconsin, more than 150 migrant workers gathered on the 27 ruby-red stairs in Time Square to unveil a massive banner, calling for President Biden to publicize a little-known deferred action policy recently announced by his administration, which grants work authorizations and protections from deportation for undocumented migrant workers who report workplace abuses.
“Today, we are here in the center of US. Capitalism to send an important message to President Biden, asking ‘¿Y Nosotros Que? What About Us?’ Why has he been silent about protections for immigrant workers? said Jorge Torres, NDLON National Campaign Strategist. “We need Biden to do for immigrant workers, what Obama did for Dreamers. He must publicly support the recently announced deferred action policy!”
On January 13, 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) quietly announced that non-citizen workers who are victims of, or witnesses to, the violation of labor rights, can now access a streamlined and expedited deferred action request process to advance their workplace rights. This new policy is a direct result of Deferred Action for Labor Enforcement (DALE) campaign, which since day one of the Biden Administration, has brought together immigrant workers, day laborer centers, and labor rights organizations calling for President Biden to use his executive authority to protect immigrant workers who have proved themselves essential during the pandemic, and who sustain entire sectors and industries such as construction, restaurants, and factories, with their labor.
“Many workers are afraid to report labor violations & abuses we experience in the workplace & this deferred action program is meant to allow us to report abuses. The work permit, deferred action which allows us to not be afraid of ICE, not be afraid of deportation, is a way to improve working conditions for all immigrants in this country.” said Brenda Valladares, NDLON Legal Fellow
Today, the DALE campaign is leading demonstrations, leadership assemblies, and community forums in several states across the country in order to inform migrant workers about how they can take action against abusive employers with this policy, and to call on President Biden to speak publicly about this policy, which can transform the lives of millions of migrant workers who have – and continue to play – such a critical role in this country’s economy.
Participating Organizations:
National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), Don Bosco Workers, United Community Center of Westchester, Community Resource Center, Yonkers Sanctuary Movement, Red De Pueblos Transnacionales, El Centro del Inmigrante, Workplace Project, Unidad Latina en Acción NJ, New Labor, Casa Freehold, Wind of The Spirit, Cosecha, Unidad Latina en Accion Connecticut, Arise Chicago, Voces de La Frontera
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