Home IMMIGRATION Let’s Save Friendship Park

Let’s Save Friendship Park

Let’s Save Friendship Park
No 30-FOOT Walls at Friendship Park

In collaboration with Tribuno del Pueblo, People’s Tribune, and Zooming to the border we want to invite the community to the next virtual panel discussion, “Let’s Save Friendship Park,” scheduled for Aug. 11 at 3 p.m. Pacific time.

Friendship Park, on the border between San Diego and Tijuana, is in danger. This panel will offer an overview of the advocacy efforts of the Friends of Friendship Park, who have worked to maintain and enhance access to this historic binational meeting place on the border. Since it was dedicated by First Lady Pat Nixon in 1971, Friendship Park has been a location where families and friends separated by the border can gather face-to-face, even if it means speaking through the heavy metal mesh that covers the 18-foot border wall that currently runs through the park. The Biden Administration recently announced plans to move forward with Trump-era plans to build 30-foot border walls that could effectively shut down Friendship Park for good.

Even though Customs and Border Patrol, responding to public pressure, recently announced a pause in construction of the new walls to hear public input, the fight is far from over.

In addition to sharing information about how viewers can join in efforts to preserve the park, this panel will offer details about long-standing initiatives, including the Binational Garden of Native Plants and Border Church. The panelists will also share the details of the upcoming 51st-anniversary celebration of the park.

Please register in advance at the link below, and see the attached flyer for details on speakers. Please share the flyer with your friends and colleagues; it includes a registration link.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Aug 11, 2022, 03:00 PM Pacific Time (the US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting: