The following was sent out in a newsletter on July 7, 2023.
On July 5, two courageous individuals, supported by dozens of people on both sides of the border, took courageous action in defense of FRIENDSHIP on the U.S.-Mexico border. Dan Watman and Michanne Hoctor-Thompson entered the binational garden at 9:30 a.m. Thursday. U.S. Border Patrol agents asked the pair to leave, informing them that they were trespassing on federal property. Dan and Michanne refused to leave, however, and instead completed almost six hours of volunteer labor on the U.S. side of the garden:

July 6, 2023 (photo: Chelsea Cook)
Dan and Michanne took this action because federal contractors have almost completed the first of two 30-foot walls at Friendship Park. But they also took this action because they are committed to the potential inherent in this unique site: someday, we believe, International Friendship Park will be recognized worldwide as both a symbol of and platform for the celebration of friendship across borders.
With the power of the Department of Homeland Security arrayed us, the fight for Friendship Park requires courage, commitment, and vision. And it will require these things from all of us, whether or not we can be onsite, and whether or not we can take the risk that these four took yesterday on our behalf.
I HOPE YOU WILL JOIN ME MONDAY NIGHT to hear more about how you can participate in the next phase of our work defending friendship on the U.S.-Mexico border.
John Fanestil
On Wednesday, May 31, 20 members of Congress signed a letter authored by Rep. Juan Vargas, appealing directly to President Biden, urging him to halt construction.
On Sunday, May 28, California’s Democratic Party passed this resolution at their Statewide convention condemning plans to wall off Friendship Park.
On Saturday, May 27, the editors at the San Diego Union-Tribune urged President Biden to halt construction in their lead editorial.
On Tuesday, May 23, a delegation from California met with high-ranking officials at the White House.
- Read John Fanestil’s report-out from Washington.
On Sunday, May 21, hundreds protested onsite at Friendship Park, including leaders of the Kumeyaay (Kumiai) nation.
- Here is front-page coverage from the SD Union-Tribune.
- Read this stirring account by Bob Ross, President/CEO of The California Endowment.
If completed, a new 30-foot wall on the international boundary will eliminate views into the United States from the Mexico side of Friendship Park.
This release was produced by the community coalition, The Friends of Friendship Park.
President Biden froze border wall construction on his first day in office and ordered a systematic review of construction projects across the almost-2000-mile southern border. In June 2021, the Administration released its Border Wall Plan, declaring it would prioritize projects for completion only “if they are needed to address life, safety, environmental, or other remediation requirements.”
U.S. Border Patrol officials have confirmed to the Friends of Friendship Park that the decision to erect 30-foot walls at Friendship Park — rather than simply replace the existing infrastructure — was made not out of concern for public safety, nor because of appropriations requirements. (Media inquiries can be made via email to: CBP Media Relations). Instead, the final designs were approved to satisfy what San Diego Sector Border Patrol leadership describe as “operational effectiveness.” (San Diego Border Patrol inquiries can be made via email to: San Diego Sector Information and Communication Division.)
In response to concerns expressed by local community members and elected officials from California at every level of government, U.S. officials froze the construction project at Friendship Park in August 2022 to “conduct additional stakeholder outreach and to further engage with the community.” Californians flooded the ensuing public comment period with a consistent message: “no 30-foot walls at Friendship Park.” The October 22 letter declaring State Parks opposition to Border Patrol plans was submitted as part of this process.
On January 17, 2023, US Border Patrol officials announced their intention to resume construction with NO modifications to the exterior (or secondary) barrier that lies between state and federal property, and with only minor modifications to the interior (or “primary”) barrier that sits on the international boundary between Mexico and the United States.
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