Home IMMIGRATION BORDER WALL Friendship Park — 51st Anniversary

Friendship Park — 51st Anniversary

Friendship Park — 51st Anniversary
One hundred and fifty were assembled to represent the people who cannot go to Friendship Park in the U.S. side. This access to the U.S. side has been restricted. administrative reasons. The many friends of the park and some with great words. Credit: Maria Teresa Fernandez

Trump left a legacy of unfinished segments of his wall waiting to be built. And it is still looming over the human rights of the people who live north and south of the border between Tijuana and San Diego (and the rest of the United States and Latin America).

Today Home Land Security has been planning to replace the 18-foot iron fence covered by a metal mesh that separates what were two sides of the border in a historic space called Friendship Park, where people have gathered to see the smiles of families from all over Latin and North America. These are families separated by historically racist and economically suppressive actions, which have nothing to do with border security. https://tribunodelpueblo.org/lets-save-friendship-park/

The current border wall at Playas of Tijuana extends about 330 yards into the Pacific Ocean. It is a beautiful spot where families on both sides of the border have gathered for years.

The new wall planned by the Trump administration is basically two solid metal walls 30 feet high where no one would ever be able to see their loved ones on either side.

In 1971, Pat Nixon, the wife of President Richard M. Nixon, went to the U.S. side of Friendship to inaugurate this park, which links the two countries. Only only several thin wires then separated the border, not by these gross fences of today. After she inaugurated the park, she asked her staff to cut the wires so that she could cross into Mexico and greet the many happy and smiling Mexicans. This was a great humane act we should continue far into the future.

Recently, the Zoom to the Border Coalition had a webinar regarding Friendship Park, which can be found on the Tribuno del Pueblo web page. Also, on Saturday, August 20 there were rallies on both sides of Friendship Park. The Tijuana side had wonderful testimonials and music from the most incredible groups. At the same time those in Tijuana heard via a great communication system from John Fanestil, chair of Friends of Friendship Park, who along with others had assembled 150 empty chairs to represent the people who cannot go to the U.S. side. This access to the U.S. side has been restricted by the weakest of administrative reasons. The many friends of the park and some with great words of support sponsored the chairs.

Maria Teresa Fernandez who helped organize on the U.S. side took the photo of these chairs.

The public must raise its voice to help preserve this park and the friendship between these two important countries and their wonderful people.

We must communicate to our elected officials … that they must maintain this binational park so that we can dream and hope together.

Right now, the Friends of Friendship Park have gotten a pause in construction of the 30-foot walls and this gives us all an opportunity to make a difference. On Facebook, you can find and join Friends of Friendship Park.

First Lady Pat Nixon’s approach was one of true friendship and respect. We now must demand that our government return to this humane approach to international understanding and cooperation.


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