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Executive Disorder

Executive Disorder
Photo by Nanzi Muro.

The following article was originally published by Jesús de la Torre from Frontera Dispatch, a part of Hope Border Institute. It was sent through an e-newsletter on June 4, 2024. 

Day after day, our team’s inboxes get full with requests to help people shot by Texas agents, people with severe medical conditions stranded in Ciudad Juárez unable to obtain a CBP One appointment, and families torn apart by violence that aim to find stability in the U.S.

President Biden slapped the door on all of them today. Shielded by border majors, the President announced an asylum processing cap that will leave many in danger and will send many others back to danger. The decision will foster an already rampant kidnapping and extortion industry that preys on people’s desperation, and it will likely twist Mexico’s arm once again to accept and relocate expelled people – fueling a violent industry of migration control that the first-ever elected female president of the country, Claudia Sheinbaum, will have to face.

Although this proclamation will likely be turned down in courts, it deepens the moral crisis of an administration that is unable to defend our most basic commitments to people seeking safety and even attacks them.

It is time to reverse course and center the voices of persons on the move and at the border. It is time for boundless humanity and creativity, as the authors of the HOPE’s Research Academy proved in our latest report with the Temple University Law School under the direction of Dr. Gabriella Sanchez, “Reimagining the Migration Protection System: Critical Reflections from the Border.”

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