Home SOCIAL MOVEMENTS LABOR Amazon Labor Union Founder and President, Chris Smalls, talks with Los Angeles College Students after AMERICONNED screening

Amazon Labor Union Founder and President, Chris Smalls, talks with Los Angeles College Students after AMERICONNED screening

Amazon Labor Union Founder and President, Chris Smalls, talks with Los Angeles College Students after AMERICONNED screening
Amazon Labor Union President, Chris Smalls (Center) with Tribuno Co-editor, Maria Elena Martinez (Right)

AMERICONNED is an award-winning film about income inequality in the United States. Over the past few generations, millions of middle class individuals have been pushed to the edge of poverty, if not into. Shamed into believing that if they tried harder things might work out, the middle class has become silent. 

Americonned exposes the inside story by showing how corporations have wormed their way into government, laying out why the middle class should rise, and how it should do it. 

Smalls shared his inspiring and daring story on how he took on Jeff Bezos, one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. Los Angeles college students listened attentively and asked probing questions of how he and fellow Amazon workers in Staten Island formed a union for the first time, even after the corporation fired Smalls for speaking up for workers’ rights. 

He shared information about the current campaigns in Moreno Valley, California Amazon Fulfillment Center, ONT8 worker group, and Amazon United 4 Change. according to Christopher Salazar, writer for the Frontline Observer, Amazon workers are “…  facing company surveillance, coercive rules, and an unidentified union committee member was unlawfully fired”.

During his speech, Smalls highlighted the power of organizing and stated “My fight is everyone’s fight. We are in a slow revolution, but it is happening. Companies like Amazon are trying to replace us with robots. We know the plan already — it’s going to happen. This is our time and we are running out of time.”

Smalls reminds us that we the workers have all the power. The corporations cannot run anything, we run everything. We make everything happen. We have all the power. Let’s unite and use our power to go on the offensive for all working people, employed or not.

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