What Happened Outside of the Democratic National Convention?

Day 1

Despite facing pressure from the city of Chicago to not protest, March on the DNC organized a peaceful march on the first day of the DNC. Although the group had asked for a permit to protest 8-9 months before, they did not get permission from the city for a stage and sound system until a few days before the march. Even though March on the DNC expected tens of thousands of protests the city still only granted organizers 7 porta potties in Union Park. Organizers also asked for a longer route to protest to accommodate the thousands of protestors but they were granted a very limited route in residential areas. Instead, the city ensured there would be an enormous police presence throughout the protest route. As a way to mitigate COVID spread and confrontations with the police, organizers had several safety marshalls and volunteers passing out masks, snacks, water, and protest signs.


Hatem Abudayyeh, chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), speaking at the press conference for March on the DNC at Union Park on Monday, August 19, 2024. Photo by Nanzi Muro.


Inhe Choi, executive director of the HANA Center, leading members of HANA as part of the March on the Dec on Monday, August 19, 2024. Photo by Nanzi Muro.


Protestors marching towards the United Center, where the DNC was held, on Monday, August 19, 2024. Photo by Nanzi Muro.


Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, protesting in front of cops at the March on the DNC on Monday, August 19, 2024. Photo by Nanzi Muro.


Day 2

Tuesday evening, the controversial group Behind Enemy Lines organized their own protest in front of the Israeli consulate. Similar to the day before, there was a large police presence but it was much more intensified. Not only were cops in riot gear but there were additional officers, hidden from protestor’s views, in full tactical gear. It is unclear if these officers were part of the Chicago Police Department, the state police, Secret Service, or another entity. The number of police in total was visibly more than the 100-200 pro-Palestininan protestors present. In addition to the police, pro-Palestinian protestors were confronted by two counter protest groups. One group waved Israeli flags with them while spewing zionist rhetoric. The other group appeared to be dressed in plain clothes and shouted white supremacy ideology. Tuesday night’s protest differed greatly from Monday’s march and at the end 66 people were arrested including at least 2 press people. 


Pro-Palestinian protestors linking arms near the Israeli Consulate. 
Photo by Adrian Cortez Garcia.


Rows of riot police on Tuesday night’s protest of the DNC. Photo by Francisco Mendoza.


White supremacist counter-protest group on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Photo by Francisco Mendoza.

Zionist counter-protest group walking towards the Israeli Consulate on Tuesday evening August 20, 2024. Photo by Francisco Mendoza.


Officers in tactical gear hidden from protestors view on Tuesday evening August 20, 2024. Photo by Wali Khan.

Day 3

“So if you really wanted a ceasefire, you would just stop sending the weapons. It is that simple” -Ilhan Omar (D-MN)

Politicians and doctors in support of a ceasefire in Gaza gathered near the United Center, where the DNC was being held, to hold a press conference as part of Not Another Bomb.  Present at this rally was Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Cori Bush (D-MO), Chicago Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25th), Chicago Teachers Union vice president Jackson Potter, two doctors who have recently aided people in Gaza, uncommitted delegates and more. Their demands were for the U.S. to call for a ceasefire and to have a Palestinian American speak at the DNC.

Ilhan Omar speaking at Not Another Bomb’s press conference on Wednesday August 21, 2024. Photo by Nanzi Muro.


Tanya Haj-Hassan speaks at a press conference near the United Center on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Photo by Nanzi Muro.


Abbas Alawieh, founder of the Uncommitted Movement and former Capitol Hill Chief of Staff, speaks near the United Center on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Photo by Nanzi Muro.


Cori Bush (D-MO) speaking at Not Another Bomb’s press conference. Photo by Nanzi Muro.


Chicago Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez at Not Another Bomb’s press conference. Police with batons can be seen in the background. Photo by Nanzi Muro.


Heavy police presence at Not Another Bomb’s press conference. Photo by Nanzi Muro.

Day 4

On the final day of the DNC, our team interviewed various community leaders in the Chicago area as well as a delegate from Iowa. March on the DNC also held a protest in Union Park with different speakers. The protest led into the night where pro-Palestinians held a sit-in and had several confrontations with the Chicago Police Department. 

Police arresting a protestor on Thursday night’s manifestation. Photo by Wali Khan.

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  1. This was great reporting!! The pictures reflect the diversity and actions of each day. Congratulations on your professionalism 🌹🍉🙏❣️


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