Déjà-Vu: Attacks the sovereignty of the Venezuelan electoral process

The opposition has been accused of debating the election, without waiting for the final results. This was followed by a huge media campaign that echoed what María Corina Machado had announced, spreading fake news about the elections and promoting the need for foreign intervention as soon as possible.

In addition, they accused the National Electoral Council of a lack of transparency, since, according to them, it’s hiding the “real” results, when the CNE, according to the law, has up to 15 days after the elections to publish the official results.

Obviously, this explains why the opposition did not want to sign the documents with the rules before the elections. The Venezuelan right never thought of recognizing the results of the elections, since the strategy used was the same one that Juan Guaidó used in 2019: “declare victory and ask for American intervention in Venezuela immediately.”

Many governments in Latin America have fallen into the trap of the Venezuelan right. The “progressive” president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has not hesitated to question the democratic process and institutions of Venezuela, calling into question the result of the elections.

Others have gone further; Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, but especially the United States, have officially recognized Edmundo González as the elected president of that Latin American nation, without having any kind of evidence to support this decision. In addition, it is important to say, it is an attack on the sovereignty of the legitimate Venezuelan institutions.

In November, presidential elections will be held in the United States, which will be questioned with absolute certainty by the winner of the same, especially by Donald Trump. Would it be possible to imagine that any country in the world would dare to “question” or ask for “evidence” from the North American institutions about the result of said elections

Obviously, the answer is “NO”. When a nation perceives itself as having imperial powers, such as the United States, this type of interference and disrespect for sovereign nations is commonly normalized by governments that are under its yoke.

It is worth remembering that the supremacy of the United States in the world is in clear decline.  This is due, in large part, to its foreign policy, which is notable for political, military and economic destabilization in different regions of the planet.

This aggressive policy has brought the economy of this nation to the brink of disaster. This is the reason the United States continues the plundering of the natural resources of Latin America.

It is no coincidence that Venezuela occupies an important place in the American plans to destabilize the region, since the Bolivarian nation has the largest oil reserves in the world, as well as enormous gold reserves on its soil. As the head of the US Army Southern Command, Laura Richardson, said about the strategic importance of Latin America for the North American nation:

Why is that region important?

“With all its rich resources and rare earth elements. You have the lithium triangle that is necessary for technology. 60% of the world’s lithium is in the lithium triangle: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile. You have the largest oil reserves, light, sweet crude oil discovered in Guyana about a year ago.

You also have the resources of Venezuela, with oil, copper, gold. China gets 36% of its food from that region. We have the Amazon, the lung of the world. We have 31% of the world’s fresh water in that region as well. It’s something out of the ordinary… We have a lot to do. This region matters, it has a lot to do with national security and we have to improve our strategy.” (publico.es-24/01/2023)

Finally, it is worth mentioning that a few weeks ago, Russia invited Venezuela to be part of the BRICS, made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Recently, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran joined. Seeing Venezuela’s potential for economic development, it is not easy to be surprised by the urgency with which the United States wants to regain control of the Bolivarian nation. Appearances can be deceiving, especially when it comes to the survival of its world hegemony.

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