The American people face one of the most important elections in its history. The outcome of the primary elections on November 8 will shape the struggles over the next period. There are some who will not vote because they have no confidence in the electoral process. We beg to differ. It is better to continue growing our class identity and program under a more democratic regime than under a fascist one led by Trump and his minions. Any doubt about which side poses the greatest immediate danger should be erased by the recent live interview of progressive Rep. Ilhan Omar about ongoing threats to her life and family, as well as the brazen assault with a hammer on Nancy Pelosi’s husband.
The January 6 insurrection and the elections deniers’ ideology against the Constitution and democracy have clearly shown their agenda and program. These fascist forces aim to take total control of the economy for the benefit of a handful of billionaires and at our expense. To squash the imminent resistance from the workers, they will use the Supreme Court, Congress, and military and police force if necessary. These fascist forces aim to prevent a movement from forming and consolidating its anti-capitalist core and economic and social transformation.
These upcoming elections are not happening in a vacuum. The overall backdrop is the global economic, social and political crisis. This is the outcome of the increased competition for influence among capitalists. Consequently, a new cold war has emerged and the war on many different levels has become a great danger.
In addition, the capitalist system is having difficulties containing the growing worldwide resistance to capitalist solutions (or lack thereof), since the poverty and misery of workers globally are growing. Nearly 1 out of every 10 people in the world lives below the international poverty line. That is, 689 million people are struggling to survive on less than $1.90 a day.
Here in the United States, we’re not faring better. Although the official number of poor is around 38 million people, there are in fact 140 million impoverished Americans, once low-income families are accounted for. (Source: Poor People’s Campaign report on poverty)
These elections are not simply about progressives and reactionaries, Democrats and Republicans, red and blue, this and that personality as presented by the media to impose points of view on the working class and social movements.
The growing number of academic, intellectual, and practical activists who have emerged are on that path to change from the capitalist system. However, many of their co-workers involved in struggles for their lives and livelihoods lack understanding and continue to have barriers between them. They lack awareness of their common enemy and need to unite.
There are thousands of currents of struggle in the movements of resistance to the policies of the capitalist system. A web of lies has been spun to divide the workers. This culture of lies prevents us from forming a political movement to galvanize the workers to fight for political power. Those barriers/silos need to be broken down and replaced by mutual respect based on our common interests as workers. For example, the struggle for immigration reform in all aspects is the same struggle as the broad movement of workers for decent wages and benefits, work schedules, housing, and health care. We are all part of the same class and have essentially the same interests.
At the present moment, the battle for the ballot and the battles on the street for meeting basic needs overlap. A setback at the ballot box can harm the fight for basic needs.
We need to develop a program that unites the working people and a strategy to achieve it. Globally, there is an increasing acceptance of a socialist solution with democratic structures. The social movements in the United States are increasingly open to new solutions. We must vote for those people who are in the social movements of resistance and for change. At this juncture, this is the way forward.
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