Over 10,000 Children Have Been Killed in Israel’s Onslaught on Gaza

In more news on Gaza, the NGO Save the Children says more than 10,000 Palestinian children have been killed by Israel’s assault — that is 1% of the total child population in Gaza. At least 1,000 children have lost one or both of their legs.

This comes as doctors warn conditions inside Gaza’s remaining hospitals continue to deteriorate amid Israeli attacks and dwindling supplies.

Dr. Khaled Abu Awaimer: “Today the area around Al-Aqsa was hit. All ambulances were destroyed. We even started to run out of medical supplies. And sadly, we have cases we can’t do anything about. We have nothing to offer, so we feel completely helpless. This is very sad and bad, to be honest. We hope that any side will be able to at least ensure the ability for the medical staff to work.”

Meanwhile, a new report by Oxfam finds that the daily death toll in Gaza from Israel’s attack “massively exceeds the daily death toll of any other major conflict of recent years.” Oxfam said Israel is killing on average 250 Palestinians a day — that is about five times the daily death toll reported in Iraq, Ukraine and Sudan, and more than double the daily death toll in Syria.

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