“This administration can and should do better”, says the BNHR
El PASO, Texas – In light of a recent article published by the New York Times noting the Biden administration’s consideration of reinstituting the dangerous, inhumane, and immoral detainment of migrant families, the Border Network for Human Rights (BNHR) reminds the Biden administration of the humanitarian, legal, and moral implications this practice subjected our country and calls for the investment of welcoming infrastructure at the southern border.The following statement can be attributed to Fernando García, Executive Director of the Border Network for Human Rights (BNHR):“At the time when Biden sought to be elected for President, he promised to deliver humane and comprehensive immigration policies, often denouncing the Trump administration’s assaults on immigrants, asylum seekers, and border communities. Three years later, not only has Biden failed to deliver on his promises but has continued to let our immigration system harshly separate families. Our border enforcement policies continue to dehumanize, criminalize, and endanger innocent migrants seeking safety and refuge. Millions still stand in the shadows without the pathway to citizenship they deserve. It is not enough to say that border communities, human rights advocates, and Latino communities are disappointed by the Biden administration’s failed promises; we are appalled by the inaction and change of direction on such an urgent issue.To hear that the Biden administration is considering reinstituting the practice of detaining innocent migrant families who are simply looking for protection and refuge from violence, poverty, and oppressive governments is unacceptable. Family detention is a shameful, shocking, and profoundly unsettling act that, under no circumstances, will be justified. We will not accept the subsequent mass incarceration of immigrant children and families as the policy of our country. With the utmost urgency, we call on President Biden and his administration to shift the focus and resources toward building welcoming infrastructure at our southern border. For over 2 and a half years, the BNHR has insisted on the much-needed investment of resources to:
Just as we once held the Trump administration accountable for their blatant attacks on immigrant children and families, we will hold the Biden administration accountable to their promises as well. We will not let these actions prosper without demanding fair and humane treatment of immigrants. This administration can and should do better.” |
The Border Network for Human Rights, founded in 1998, is one of the leading human rights advocacy and immigration reform organizations in the U.S. BNHR has over 7,000 members in West Texas and Southern New Mexico. To learn more about BNHR, please visit https://bnhr.org/
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