Home SOCIAL MOVEMENTS CLIMATE CHANGE The Climate Crisis Is A Direct Consequence Of Capitalism

The Climate Crisis Is A Direct Consequence Of Capitalism

The Climate Crisis Is A Direct Consequence Of Capitalism
The summer concludes with youth-led actions from around the world, about four million, to save our mother Earth on September 20.

Greta Thunberg has taken the world by storm with her powerful words to protect the Earth. In just a few months, she has captured the attention of worldwide leaders and citizens. She brings forth a sense of urgency that is necessary to save the planet.

Along with Greta, leader of the Earth Guardians, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, has done an extraordinary amount of work to combat climate change; including suing the U.S. government for failing to combat climate crisis. Local activists like Amariyanna ‘Mari’ Copeny, also known as “Little Miss Flint”, have also been tirelessly fighting for clean water in their community.

The recent climate strike (from September 20-27), led by young activists sent a very clear message to the world; the youth will hold leaders accountable. Climate change is a direct consequence of capitalism and while it affects everyone, it will first affect people of color. The ones who will be left to deal with the mess of corporate greed will be the youth.


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