Today we have an elected congressman from New York who created a new life for himself and sold it to the voters. It was an intricate web of one lie on top of another. And since his lies have been uncovered, the leadership of his party the Republicans, will not speak out on this critical issue.
But then what did we expect from them? Did we want the truth? Rep. George Santos, whose victory in a New York district last month was key to the GOP flipping the chamber, insists he’s coming to Congress despite admitting this week to fabricating key parts of his biography. There’s a growing range of probes into his lies, with CNN reporting Wednesday night that federal prosecutors in New York are investigating his finances and local prosecutors are “looking into” his fabrications. Yet at this time, it seems that he will soon be sworn in.
Santos in Spanish means Saints. Well, let me tell you. This man has probably been eating at the table of the Diablos/Devils. While both Democratic and Republican candidates have on occasion embellished their resumes and have told some lies we have not had this level of unabashed lying.
But we must remember that this once strong political party jumped onto this downhill racing train of lies with Candidate Donald Trump. Closing their eyes and ears to a man who built a campaign on lies and governed by creating his own version of the world breaking daily the world Guinness record for lies. And each day as president he lied.
This party had several opportunities to stand up and say no to the lies of Trump that cost people their lives and damaged our relations internationally.
Twice Trump was impeached and most Republicans again fell into his web of lies they voted in favor of the Liar and his BIG LIE that the 2020 election was a fraud.
The insurrection at the capitol was not enough violence and lies to stop their support of a professional liar. Instead, they began saying it was a good visit to the capitol and alluding that Antifa was disguised as Trump supporters. These Trump supporters were so coordinated in their support of the Big Lie that they could challenge any church choir except that this group was singing from the dark pages of the book of lies.
Candidates for the 2022 election on the Republican side were groomed and chosen on the basis that they accepted the big lie of the supposed fraud in the 2022 election. And many up and down the party continued embracing the BIG LIE. And the worst continued giving the former president money… and yes, 150 election deniers were elected.
Lying and accepting liars is now on the menu every day for this party that has become addicted to the poisoned lies of a failed politician.
Not everyone in the Republican party has drunk from that Big Lie Kool-Aid and this was evident in the work of the January 6 committee. Many say they disagree with the lies and the liars but are too afraid to say anything in public. And thus they lose their moral legitimacy.
In Georgia, we had a candidate Herschel Walker, a Black former athlete who lied from day one until the last day of the election. He not only was a liar but was a man who used violence and supported abortions even though abortion should have been a red line not to be crossed by any Republican politician. The only truth about Walker was that he was a Black man who once upon a time had been a very good football player. Major Republican senators campaigned for him and the party raised millions of dollars for his effort. But none in that party criticized the man for lying.
All they wanted was his vote in the Senate. Those who helped Walker should be voted out since they have no standards and will sell their souls to the devil. Is this their view of a democracy and Constitutional government?
And we also now have Kari Lake, the Republican candidate for governor of Arizona who lies and lies about the election results showing she lost.
So now we have a newly elected individual, Santos, who has constructed a new persona of lies and will lie again, and a candidate for speaker of the House needs his vote so he will be quiet about the lies of this man. Santos will probably be sworn into office, but we hope some investigations into his lying on government forms will nail him to the wall.
Some say that on Judgement Day all the lies of the liars might just catch up with them and that they will not be admitted into heaven or even hell, but that they just might be sent to another place made just for liars. It could be a liar who would be sent to a black hole in the sky far away with no way out. There the liars can lie to each other. It would be a joy to watch this most tragic gathering of liars. And until that day comes we must demand that candidates and elected officials stick to the truth.
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