The Biden administration’s proposed new rule threatens human rights at the border and is an abdication of the United States government’s responsibility in the global community. The rule limits asylum only to people who were granted prior permission to come to the United States, are able to make an appointment to present themselves to the border using a faulty online app, or previously sought asylum in a third-country through which they traveled on their way to the United States. The rule undermines the right to seek asylum and the right to be treated equally before the law of the most vulnerable migrants at the border, including black and indigenous migrants, individuals who do not have the means to access technology while traveling or those who have to immediately leave their homes to protect their lives and their families. The rule does nothing to address the humanitarian crisis at the border caused by three years of using the COVID pandemic as an excuse to close the southern border to people seeking safety. It ignores the thousands of reported cases of violence that asylum seekers from all over the world have been the victims of while waiting in Mexico.
This is the moment for President Biden to show courage and use his leadership to propose real solutions but instead he is going back to Trump-era dangerous policies that undermine human rights. Border residents want a new vision rooted in protecting human rights and welcoming visitors and newcomers. People seeking safety at the border should be treated with dignity and respect, be treated equally before the law, and provided the opportunity to present their claim for an immigration or humanitarian remedy. This is the United States’ obligation under both domestic and international law. Border communities and organizations on the ground are ready to support a system that welcomes people in a dignifying, humane and efficient way. Join us and add your voice to oppose this dangerous proposed asylum ban. You can add a public comment via NoAsylumBan.US, and urge the Administration to pursue real solutions that protect human rights.To make sure your comment is counted and considered, please edit our pre-drafted suggestion to make it unique. Anyone regardless of immigration status may submit a comment, but comments must be submitted in English. COMMENT TEMPLATE:The proposed asylum rule violates the human rights of those at the border, threatens our values as a country and undermines the United States’ international obligations. Individuals should be able to access our asylum system regardless of how they enter, financial means, way of travel, or access to technology. They should not be forced to seek asylum in transit to the United States, especially not in countries where they may also face harm. The ending of Title 42—itself an illegal policy—should not be used as an excuse to resurrect Trump-era categorical bans on groups of asylum seekers. Link to Public Comment: immigrationjustice.quorum.us/campaign/44910 Link to SBCC Blog Post: southernborder.org/bidens_proposed_asylum_rule_threatens_human_rights_at_the_border El Tribuno del Pueblo brings you articles written by individuals or organizations, along with our own reporting. Bylined articles reflect the views of the authors. Unsigned articles reflect the views of the editorial board. Please credit the source when sharing: tribunodelpueblo.org. We’re all volunteers, no paid staff. Please donate at http://tribunodelpueblo.org to keep bringing you the voices of the movement because no human being is illegal. |